I found it very fitting that the very next day I got to see this page:
Notice the big, beautiful "PAID"? Best thing birthday money ever bought.
I used to be a REALTOR, once upon a time ago. Needless to say I never went very far with it. I sold two houses, both to people I already knew. I put as much, if not more, money into it than I got out of it. I met a lot of successful people (and many people who were struggling... like me). But really, I attribute most of my shortcomings to the fact that I don't play golf.
But not all was lost. I learned very valuable lessons from talking to people on the phone, how to wiz through contracts, lots of legal terms, great investment ideas, the beauty of tax write-offs, the value of being nice to people, how to put up with people you despise, and most important of all: that I was in the wrong damn profession. My first clue should've been that I spent more time and effort into designing my beautiful business cards than I ever did learning about sales.
I could go on and on about every soul-crushing moment I endured while putting on my slacks, fake smile, and dancing around all the other people who live to put on slacks, a fake smile, and do the dance. But maybe I'll save the soul-crushingness for when I write about being a waitress. In truth, I hadn't been an actively licensed agent for over a year and had mostly forgot all about it until I received the aforementioned email. The very next day I ordered Sue Bryce's 28 Day Workshop and I felt a subtle, yet profound, turning page in my life. Life has led me here and now I will "blossom where I am planted," as my REALTOR buddy Greg would say.
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